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Translated by Max Muller

Maitrâyana-Brâhmana-Upanishad - eBook

Maitrâyana-Brâhmana-Upanishad - eBook
The Maitrayana Brahmana Upanishad is also many a times called as Maitrayaniya Upanishad or Maitri Upanishad is one of the primary Upanishads. It belon ... več
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Daniel W. Hull

Manual of Magnetic Healing - eBook

Manual of Magnetic Healing - eBook
Instructions with reference to the use of Magnetism as a Therapeutic Agent, and also some advice as to the Development of the Psychometric faculties i ... več
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Christian D. Larson

Mastery of Fate - eBook

Mastery of Fate - eBook
What man is, and what man does, determines in what conditions, circumstances and environments he shall be placed. And since man can change both himsel ... več
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Christian D. Larson

On The Heights - eBook

On The Heights - eBook
We are under the clear sky of Infinite Light, on the verge of the great beyond, on the border-land of the limitless, and every moment is an eternity o ... več
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James Allen

Out from the Heart - eBook

Out from the Heart - eBook
Before starting down the path of truth and virtue, Allen cautions, see yourself as you are. Great discipline and patience will be required, but the re ... več
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Christian D. Larson

Perfect Health - eBook

Perfect Health - eBook
or  The Highest Curative Power in Man   Perfect health is never the result of a certain part of truth or of right thinking in ... več
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