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Swami Vivekananda: Bhakti-Yoga - eBook

Bhakti-Yoga - eBook
Swami Vivekananda argues that Bhakti Yoga is the most direct and shortest way to experience the divine. There is nothing higher than love and Bhakti Yoga is the religion of love.
Bhakti Yoga appeals particularly to those of an emotional nature. The Bhakti Yogi is motivated chiefly by the power of love and sees God as the embodiment of love. Through prayer, worship and ritual he surrenders himself to God, channelling and transmuting his emotions into unconditional love or devotion.




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  • ISBN: 978-999-2727-03-22
  • eBook: DRM free
  • Downloads: 4x ePUB & 4x AZW3 (Kindle) & 4x MOBI & 4x PDF
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